
How to measure social media marketing performance – Keep your Eyes on these 8 Social Media Metrics (KPIs)

Social media has become an essential part of our daily lives, with millions of users using different platforms to connect, interact, and share with others. As a result, social media has developed into a powerful tool that helps businesses to connect and interact with their target audience, build brand recognition, and boost sales. However, to make the most out of social media, it’s essential to have a well-planned strategy in place.In this article, we’ll see what KPIs for social media can assist companies in achieving their marketing objectives and thriving in the emerging digital environment.

Importance of social media for business in today’s digital space

Importance-of-social-media-for-businessSocial media has revolutionized how we communicate, interact, and access data. Social networking websites are becoming an essential part of our everyday lives, with over 4 billion users globally. From keeping in touch with family and friends to learning about new goods and services, social media has changed how we engage with the world.Businesses now use social media as a crucial part of their marketing strategy because it gives them access to connect and interact with their target audience in a once unimaginable way. By creating compelling content and leveraging social media’s powerful targeting and advertising capabilities, businesses can increase their brand awareness, build customer loyalty, and drive sales.Moreover, social media has democratized the media landscape, giving individuals and organizations of all sizes a platform to share their stories and ideas. In short, it has changed how we interact, conduct business, and communicate, and it will likely keep reshaping the globe in the years to come.

Why is tracking social media metrics so important?

Social media metrics let you know if your strategy is effective and tells you where to make changes. They allow you to know how much time and money you’re putting in and how much you’re getting back.You need numbers to comprehend how your business operates on social media. Without metrics, you have no way to know what’s going on with your company in the social world. You can’t develop an effective strategy and you are unable to tie your social media efforts to real business objectives or prove your success.

Key metrics to track for a successful social media strategy


Reach-social-media-metricsReach is simply the number of individuals who view your content. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on both your overall reach and the reach of any particular post, video, or story.A useful subset of this metric is to examine the proportion of your reach that is made up of followers vs non-followers. If many individuals who aren’t your followers are seeing your content, that means it’s either getting shared widely or performing well in the algorithms, or both.


Impressions represent the number of times your content was viewed. Due to the possibility that a single individual will view your content more than once, it may be higher than reach. An exceptionally high level of impressions compared to reach means individuals view a post several times.


measure-social-media-success-through-subscriberFollowers or Subscribers are individuals who have selected to subscribe to or follow a particular social media account. The number of followers or subscribers is a helpful indicator for evaluating the reach of a specific account. It shows the level of interest in the content shared by the account as well as the possible audience that the account may be able to reach. The more subscribers or followers an account has, the more possibility for reach and engagement.Follower growth is an important metric to monitor any social media strategy as it measures the rate at which your social media followers are increasing. Gaining more followers can boost brand recognition, user engagement, and ultimately sales. By measuring your follower growth and creating appropriate strategies, you can boost your social media performance and gain a larger, more engaged audience.

Cost-per-click (CPC)

CPC (Cost-per-click) is the money you pay per click on a social advertisement. Knowing the lifetime value of a consumer for your company, or even the average order value, will assist you in putting this number in a critical context.A higher lifetime value of a consumer coupled with a high conversion rate implies you can afford to spend more per click to get consumers on your site in the first place. You don’t have to calculate CPC you can directly find it in the analytics for the social website where you are running your social advertisement.

Reputation Score

reputation-score-KPIs-for-social-mediaWhen running your social media pages, you must take care of your internet presence – it impacts how potential clients perceive your company and brand.If your internet presence is negative, bringing in new clients and establishing trust with existing customers can be challenging. Furthermore, negative feedback and reviews can quickly spread across the web and have a lasting impact on your company.Therefore, it is necessary to immediately track and evaluate your online reputation to protect your brand image.You can even measure your score with the relevancy of the engagement rates you have and by comparing your performance with marketing strategy or just by using social media analytics tools which help you to understand your metrics and results and gives you a clear glance of your performance.

Conversion rate

The conversion rate is a critical social media marketing metric that indicates the frequency at which your social content initiates the process of a conversion event, such as a purchase, download, or subscription. This metric is essential because it demonstrates the efficacy of your social content in driving potential customers into your marketing funnel.

Engagement Rate

A social media indicator called engagement rate is used to gauge how engaged your audience is with your content and how successful your brand efforts are. Customers who are “engaged” tend to interact with your material by sharing, saving, and commenting on posts.Low engagement rates suggest that there is probably more you should be doing with your content, while high engagement rates indicate that your audience is active and aware of your brand.Monitoring the number of “saves” and “favourites” on platforms like Facebook helps you to know what is a good engagement rate on Facebook. This, in particular, is a fundamental approach to learning more about your audience and what types of content get the most engagement. This will assist you in creating your future social media marketing strategy. Here are some key metrics that fall under engagement rate:


On social media platforms, likes are an easy-to-measure sign of interaction. It shows that a person has liked or appreciated a specific post, video, or image on the platform. On several social media platforms, a heart-shaped emblem is frequently used to signify likes. Likes can represent popularity, but they only sometimes indicate that the content is engaging or compelling.


Shares on social media platforms describe how often users have shared a post, photo, or video. Shares are a great indicator of how well and engaging the content is connecting with the audience. It helps a post reach a wider audience because each share exposes the content to a new audience. They also show the degree of social evidence connected to a piece of content.


Comments indicate how much interaction a specific post, video, or image has gained on social media platforms. They can assist in creating a sense of community around the content and offer insightful feedback. Comments can also assist in expanding the reach of a post, as each comment can attract users to the post. They can also assist in developing trust and loyalty, as consumers who interact with a brand through comments are more likely to become repeat buyers.


The number of times your post has been saved by users is measured by this key metric. It is a relatively new engagement indicator used on various social media sites like Instagram, Facebook etc.


They are private messages that have been sent to your social media accounts. You can determine how many individuals are contacting your brand for customer service or other reasons by keeping track of the number of direct messages you receive.click-through-rate-KPIs-for-social-media

Click-through rate (CTR)

CTR (Click-through rate) is a metric that counts the number of clicks a post gets divided by the number of impressions. In other terms, it measures how many consumers click links in social media posts.A high CTR indicates that your post is engaging and persuades readers to click. On the other hand, a low CTR can suggest that you rework your post because it is not connecting with your readers. The CTR varies based on different platforms. A post that performs well on one social media channel may not work well on another. Also, the average CTR can vary depending on each post format.

Final thoughts

Among the various metrics available to measure social media success. We’ve compiled the most important ones that are valuable for many businesses.To sum up, metrics are crucial since they demonstrate the longevity of the performance of a campaign or strategy. By measuring these essential social media metrics over time, you’ll determine your business baseline stats before the dynamic trends emerge. The next step is to use them to know what improvements to make to better engage with your audience.At the end of the day, if you monitor these indicators and change your social media approach as required, you’ll get a much higher social media ROI and can expand your business.You can be relaxed after you set your Social Media Goals because Websitevala is here to do the rest of the work to achieve your Social Media Goals. Contact us at +91-9825492807 or [email protected]

Infographic (Measure social media marketing performance)

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